May 28, 2024

Does caravan insurance cover water leaks?

By Bethan Harper

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Owning a caravan brings the joy of mobile living and travel freedom, but it also comes with the responsibility of ensuring your valuable asset is adequately protected.  

Caravan insurance provides a financial safeguard for caravan owners so you can rest assured unexpected events won’t bring about the end of your caravaning holidays.  

However, what’s included in your insurance differs depending on the provider and not all damage will be covered. That’s why it’s important to decide what type of coverage you need and purchase insurance accordingly. 

In this article, we’ll cover all you need to know about caravan insurance, including whether it will cover you for water leaks. 

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does caravan insurance cover water leaks?
Family enjoying their caravan

What is caravan insurance? 

Caravan insurance is a specialised type of insurance designed to offer financial protection for your caravan against a range of potential risks and incidents. That way, unexpected events are less likely to ruin your future travel plans. 

This type of insurance is considered sought after by many caravan owners as it provides coverage for damage caused by events such as theft, accidental damage, vandalism, liability claims, and natural disasters like floods. 

Also see: Does caravan insurance cover storm damage?

What does caravan insurance protect against? 

What you’re covered for and the specific terms and conditions of caravan insurance policies can vary significantly from one insurer to another. Different insurance providers offer different levels of coverage, and each policy is tailored to meet specific needs and preferences.  

For instance, some policies might include coverage for personal belongings inside the caravan, emergency accommodation costs, or even the cost of replacing locks if your keys are lost or stolen. Other policies might focus more on providing extensive coverage for physical damage to the caravan itself. 

To give you an idea of what features you can expect from your caravan insurance, Save More Money’s static caravan insurance policy covers financial protection in the case of:  

  • Fire  
  • Lightning  
  • Explosion  
  • Earthquake  
  • Storm  
  • Flood  
  • Freezing  
  • Escape of water from fixed water or heating systems, washing machines or dishwashers  
  • Oil escaping from a fixed heating system, riot  
  • Civil commotion, strike, labour or political disturbance  
  • Malicious persons  
  • Theft or attempted theft  
  • Loss of use and hiring charges if the caravan is unusable (up to 20% of the sum insured)  
  • Accidental damage to underground services 
  • Accidental damage to sanitary ware and fixed glass 
Interior of a caravan van with kitchen and bed
Interior of a caravan van with kitchen and bed

Does caravan insurance cover water leaks? 

As we previously mentioned, the type of coverage provided by caravan insurance can differ greatly from provider to provider, so whether water leaks are included under your policy depends on the insurer you choose.  

However, suppose you’re asking yourself ‘Does caravan insurance cover water leaks?’ and decide it’s something important for you. In that case, you might want to consider purchasing a caravan insurance policy with Save More Money as our policies include the escape of water from fixed water or heating systems, washing machines or dishwashers. 

Also see: 5 of the best static caravan parks

Where can I buy caravan insurance? 

Fortunately, finding caravan insurance online should be a simple task, with dozens of providers offering comprehensive coverage.  

However, it’s important not to jump into a policy without much thought, as you could find yourself without crucial cover.  

Thoroughly research the different insurance policies before deciding on your coverage. Consider factors such as the policy’s exclusions, limitations, and the process for filing claims. Some policies might have higher deductibles or specific conditions under which coverage is provided.  

By carefully examining these details, you can select a policy that offers the best value and peace of mind, tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.  

And, if you’re looking for a policy that covers water leaks as well as public liability claims, why not consider a Static or Touring Caravan insurance policy from Save More Money? 


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