June 27, 2023

Does my motor insurance policy include scratch and dent insurance?

By Bethan Harper

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It’s legally required for you to take out a motor insurance policy to drive a vehicle in the UK. However, not everything that could help protect your car and finances if it were to get damaged is included under a standard policy.  

Some of the most common types of damage a car can sustain are scratches and dents. Scratches and dents are also the type of damage most likely to make your car look unloved and unkempt, which can reduce your vehicle’s value. That’s why scratch and dent insurance is such a popular insurance policy.   

But if all road users have a standard motor insurance policy, why do they need scratch and dent insurance as well? Aren’t scratch and dent repairs covered?  

In this article, we’ll explain the ins and outs of scratch and dent insurance, whether you need additional coverage and if taking out a policy is really worth it. Jump straight to a specific section or read on for the full piece. 

dented silver car
Car with a dent

What is scratch and dent insurance

Scratch and dent insurance offers coverage for small to medium-sized superficial damage to your vehicle’s bodywork. Like with any type of car insurance, you’ll pay a monthly or annual fee for the policy, and when the time comes to make a claim, your insurer will cover the bulk of the financial cost (providing the claim is valid and subject to terms and conditions).

While all scratch and dent coverage offers similar benefits and restrictions, each policy will differ slightly in regards to price, the number of claims you can make per 12-month period, the extent of damage they cover and the cost of your excess. So, it’s always best to check the policy wording before settling on a provider.

Also see: How to remove hairline scratches from a car

Is scratch and dent cover included in my standard motor insurance policy?

Not every motor insurance policy is the same, but for the most part, this type of insurance does cover scratches and dents. So why would anyone take out a separate scratch and dent policy? The answer comes down to something quite simple, the cost of your excess.

While you couldmake a scratch and dent claim on your standard motor insurance, in most cases, it would be financially unviable. This is because the cost of repair is likely to be less than the cost of your excess, meaning you could actually end up spending more than you need to. However, if you make a claim on your standard motor policy (including scratch and dent claims) or a different scratch and dent policy, your premium could rise.

Without a scratch and dent policy in place, you would be left to fund the repair out of your own pocket. However, with the right cover, you’d be able to make a claim against it and have your insurer take care of the financials.

Most scratch and dent policies have low excess rates, and some (like ours) even offer no excess options. That way, you never have to worry about being out of pocket over a little bump or nick again. 

What’s the average cost of repairing scratches and dents? 

Repair cost per panel Low cost High cost Average cost 
Clear coat scratch £60 £96 £78 
Paintwork scratches, marks and scuffs £120 £180 £150 
Deep paint scratches £180 £240 £210 
Car dents £220 £450 £335 
Paintless dent removal £90 £150 £120 
[Table from Checkatrade, 2023] 

Scratched car inspection
Scratched car inspection

Where can I get scratch and dent insurance?

Scratch and dent insurance is a relatively popular policy among road users. For that reason, numerous providers offer this type of cover, and you can typically find a suitable policy just by carrying out a quick Google search.

But, as previously mentioned, it’s important to remember that not all policies offer the same benefits or come at the same price. So, you need to always read the fine print and policy wording before deciding which insurance provider to go with.

However, if you’re looking for an affordable policy that allows you to make multiple claims per 12-month period and offers a no-excess option, the Save More Money scratch and dent policy has you sorted.

From £15 per month, you can claim up to 3 times per year, and you’ll be covered for SMART repairs for minor scratches and dents up to 300mm long and up to 3mm deep for most reasons, including:

  • Rock damage 
  • Bollards 
  • Malicious damage 
  • Trolley dings 
  • Small dents 
  • Loose gravel 
  • Car-park pillars 

Also see: How to protect your car paintwork from scratches and dents

Calculate your savings 

But, if you’re still not sure if it’s worth purchasing scratch and dent insurance when you already have a motor insurance policy, check out these calculations to see how much money you could save. 


Cost of our scratch and dent insurance: £15 per month x 12 = £180 

Cost of 1 deep scratch repair = Up to £240 
Cost saving = £60 per claim 

Car dent 

Cost of our scratch and dent insurance: £15 per month x 12 = £180 

Cost of 1 car dent repair = Up to £450 
Cost saving = £270 per claim 

And, since you can make up to three claims per year (policy subject to a maximum claims limit), you’ll only need to claim twice for smaller, less significant scratches to make your scratch and dent insurance worthwhile. 

Take a look at our Scratch and Dent insurance from £15 per month to see how we can help you protect your vehicle’s paintwork.  


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