Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance is a form of cover designed to protect your business from threats in the digital age, such as data breaches or malicious cyber hacks on work computer systems.

Tailored cover

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Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance helps to protect your business against a variety of digital risks by supporting financially if you experience a damaging network event such as a cyber-attack. Also known as cyber liability insurance, this commercial cover is designed to react quickly to malware attacks, hacking events and electronic data breaches by funding investigation and reimbursing losses.

Tailored cover

We structure the insurance to your individual needs.

Discount rewards

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What is Cyber Insurance?

In the event of a cyber attack, most cyber insurance policies will cover the first-party and third-party financial and reputational costs if data or electronic systems have been lost, damaged, stolen, or corrupted.

For the business involved, the first-party, cover normally includes the cost of investigating a cybercrime, recovering data lost in a security breach and the restoration of computer systems, loss of income incurred by a business shutdown, reputation management, extortion payments demanded by hackers, and notification costs, in the case you are required to notify third parties affected.

Third-party coverages (that result from claims against you) include damages and settlements, and the cost of legally defending yourself against claims of a GDPR breach.

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