October 9, 2024

Where can I find cheap car insurance? 

By Bethan Harper

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Every driver in the UK is legally required to have an in-date car insurance policy. However, finding the right coverage isn’t always a simple task.  

There are multiple types of car insurance policies on the market, with numerous providers offering their own iterations of these coverage types. So, weighing up your options and choosing the best coverage for your needs can be more complicated than it needs to be.  

In this article, we’ll help you to better understand the options you have, why the cheapest policy on the market might not always be the best choice and how you can find cheap car insurance that also covers everything you need. 

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where can I find cheap car insurance

Different types of motor insurance 

As we previously mentioned, there are a few different varieties of car insurance that you can choose from and each of these policies ranges in its level of coverage.  

Third-Party Only 

A third-party only policy is the bare minimum insurance you’re legally required to have. It covers any damage or injury you cause to other people, including their cars or property. But, it won’t cover any repairs to your own car or your own injuries, should there be any. And, even though it’s the most basic level, it’s not always the cheapest. In fact, insurers often charge more for this because they see it as a higher risk. 

Third-Party, Fire, and Theft 

This type of insurance gives you the same coverage as third party only but with added protection if your car is stolen or catches fire. It’s a small upgrade that offers a bit more peace of mind without breaking the bank. However, it still won’t help you out if you’re at fault in an accident and your car gets damaged. 


Comprehensive insurance is the full package. It covers third-party damages, fire, and theft, plus any damage to your own car—even if the accident is your fault. A lot of people assume it’s the most expensive, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, it can actually be cheaper than more limited policies, so it’s always worth comparing all three options. 

Also see: What does fully comprehensive insurance cover?

Cheaper isn’t always better 

It might sound counterintuitive, but finding the cheapest deal on the market might not actually be the best route to go down.  

As we mentioned above, there are three types of car insurance policies to choose from. However, your range of choice doesn’t stop there. Every provider on the market offers their own policy with differing coverage, limits and restrictions, meaning not every fully comprehensive or third-party policy is the same as the next one.  

That means, while most fully-comp policies will be similar, some lenders might not offer certain perks or might have a lower claim limit.  

So, if you need a higher claim limit or could benefit from particular additional features such as a courtesy car or misfuelling coverage, you might not want to opt for the cheapest policy on the market (particularly without carefully checking the policy wording). 

where can I find cheap car insurance

Getting the best deal possible 

If you want to find the cheapest with deal with all the right features, start by comparing quotes. For example, you can use price comparison sites to see what other insurers are offering. But keep in mind that some companies don’t show up on those sites, so it’s worth checking them out separately to make sure you’re not missing a better option. 

Lots of insurers also offer discounts if you meet certain conditions; you could save by using a black box (a telematics device), paying for your policy annually instead of monthly or combining your car insurance with your home insurance.  

And, if you’ve built up a good no-claims bonus, double-check it’s being applied correctly. Some insurers also give you the option to protect your no-claims bonus for a small fee, which can be worth it if you’ve gone several years without making a claim. 

Also see: What is fully comprehensive motor insurance?

The bottom line 

Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all option when it comes to getting the best deal on car insurance (or any insurance for that matter).  

However, there are some ways to improve your chances of finding a cheap policy that offers you all the features you need, including comparison sites.  

So, if you want to start comparing your options, why not head over to Save More Money’s new comparison page? It’s simple and helps you find the best policy for you at the best price. 


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